5 Tips for a Parent-to-be and a Working Mom!

Are You a Working Mom and a Parent-to-be?

Jackie Zuk – VIP Member

I can relate. The beginning of this year, I was beautifully gifted to find out I was pregnant. What an exciting time but it also was one of my biggest seasons in my business.

Here are my FIVE main takeaways to consider when it comes to creating a healthier work environment while also being the best MOM BOSS there is out there 😉

1. Go to Sleep earlier + Meditate more. Make the time.

I can’t tell you how life changing this has been for me. I am a night owl and always have been. I would be up to 12am/1am no big deal. Now I am in BED by 930/10 and wake up at the crack of dawn but get the BEST sleep. NOURISH your sleep and mind you need it to function.

2. Bring snacks on-the-go.

I can’t tell you how nauseous I get now when I don’t eat every 2-3 hours. Make sure to take care of that because you really don’t feel great when you don’t take care of that.

3. Let go of people and clients that don’t bring positive energy into your life.

If you are working with someone or surrounded by someone who makes you feel yucky you need to get rid of them. Really protecting your energy during this time is SO important.

4. Work less.

This has been a hard one for me to digest as my life has always been GO GO GO for anyone who knows me. The biggest takeaway I can share is when you work less and step into more of your feminine energy, better quality of people and events come into your life . I feel in our society there is SO much pressure put on us constantly especially as women business owners. The money will come and always be there. TRUST. ** by the way since I have taken a step back– it has DEFINITELY been working in case you were wondering 😉

5. Hire out help.

I can’t tell you how much less stress this has put on my plate. Most clients you love and adore but there is also an act of demand when they are so used to you always being there. Noone is YOU at the end of the day. But you CANNOT grow if you don’t outsource what drains you. This is not the time to be extra drained, if any part of your business drains you.. it is TIME to outsource!

Gentle Giraffes is amazing and I am so glad to be in a safe space and birth community during this time. If you are a parent to be, definitely check out this amazing community <3

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