Why do Parent Coaching
When becoming pregnant, you’ll likely find that you have a huge amount of resources available to you and your family– however, it can be overwhelming to digest and figure out what you need to know and when. That’s why parent coaching can be a beneficial tactic to look at! But what is parent coaching exactly? Essentially, parenting coaching is an approach to teaching parenting both the need-to-knows in the current moment, the hypotheticals for the future, and more regarding their children. Let’s go over some of the top benefits it can provide:
Coaching Teaches Child Development Stages
Firstly, it’s a great way to learn about child development. Before implementing any practical strategies into your children’s routine, it helps to have context for what will best serve them for the age and stage they’re at. Parent coaches can teach you about stages of brain development and what those stages look like in terms of language, emotions, cognition, and physical activity. In knowing what’s developmentally appropriate for your little one, we can help temper our response and understand how to engage with them.
Coaching Helps to Align Partner Parenting Styles
Another benefit of coaching can be helping you and your partner align on your parenting styles, determine compromise and communication, and help establish family values that work for the both of you. It can feel overwhelming figuring out what kind of dynamic and environment will be most beneficial for you and your little one, and having a neutral third party to help you both weed through this and come to a resolution can be extremely beneficial.
Coaching Builds Trust
A great advantage to parent coaching also lies in what you gain from it emotionally– it can help build trust, excitement, joy, and most importantly, empathy. When raising little ones, you are entirely responsible for not only how they see the world, but how they’ll eventually engage in it. How you speak to them and how you interact with them is incredibly important. In working with a parent coach, you’re able to practice healthy communication with a neutral observer, eventually creating a space of freedom and trust upon which children can rely.
Coaching Creates Personal Responsibility
Finally, one of the biggest benefits of working with a parent coach is the fact that it creates a personal responsibility and a sense of mindfulness & awareness. In taking the intentional time to reflect on who we are as parents and how our actions will impact our children, we acknowledge who we are and how we can do better.
In conclusion, parent coaching offers several benefits for individuals embarking on the journey of raising children. From understanding the intricacies of child development stages to aligning parenting styles with a partner, and from fostering trust and empathy to instilling personal responsibility and mindfulness, proper coaching can provide invaluable guidance and support. Send us a message at contact@gentlegiraffes.com and we will be glad to help.