Coronavirus and Newborns

Coronavirus and Newborns

This week on the blog we will be talking about Coronavirus and newborns. Mainly, how this new virus could potentially affect newborns, what symptoms to look for in newborns, and what precautions to take to keep you and your infant safe.

As Covid-19 is such a new virus to us, many questions may be unanswered regarding this virus, and I am sure that many people have questions.

What we do know is that Coronavirus is potentially dangerous to newborns but it seems to be much milder in children and babies than it is in adults. Serious illness is possible though, and parents should be on alert if their child tests positive or shows signs of any type of illness.

Children and adults may suffer from similar symptoms, but be sure to be on the lookout for more cold-like symptoms in your child like fever, runny nose, and cough.

The most common symptoms to look for in your newborn…

• Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, such as coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing.

• Fever

• Muscle Pain

• Muscle pain that may cause frequent crying, trouble sleeping, or moodiness in young babies.

• Changes in mood or behavior – such as sleeping more or less often, feeding difficulties, or more frequent tantrums-because of pain or a fever.

• Digestive problems, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, or diarrhea.

• Loss of sense of smell that, in infants who are too young to express this symptom, may manifest as changes in eating habits.

• Dry cough in symptoms of mild pneumonia, such as more rapid breathing or shortness of breath.


If your baby starts to develop more serious symptoms these symptoms may include…

• Intense new shortness of breath that may cause a child to gasp for air

• Signs of low oxygen, such as blue lips or tongue, white fingernails or rapid heart rate

• Severe organ failure

• Oxygen saturation of 92% or less

The most common ways to prevent COVID in your newborn are…

• Avoid going out

• limit/ ban visitors

• Wash hands

• Wash hands any time you or your newborn come in contact with anyone

• Disinfect all surfaces like doorknobs and changing tables

• Wear a mask while out in public

• Practice physical social distancing

• Quarantining anyone in the household who gets sick in one room a frequently disinfecting any surfaces they touch

If your child starts to show any life-threatening symptoms get medical attention immediately by dialing 911.

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