10 Ways to Avoid Feeling Isolated
Having a newborn starts a new chapter filled with love, excitement, life changes, and unexpected challenges. One of the most common and overlooked challenges and changes for new parents is the feeling of being isolated. New parents feel like they can’t leave the house because their baby could need them. While it can feel scary leaving the house with the baby because of possible sickness, it can also feel overwhelming since babies need so many things.
Below are tips for taking the baby out of the house without feeling overly uncomfortable and feeling like you’re getting out while staying home.
- Only pack the essentials: diapers, wipes, pump or bottle supplies, extra clothes, and a portable sound machine. If you are formula feeding, pack the water and formula separately, unmixed, so you don’t waste any.
- Do your best to avoid overly stimulating places. Venues, such as malls and busy restaurants, have many people, sounds, smells, and bright lights. These all can overstimulate your baby, even if they are sleeping
- If you’re going for a walk, use the stroller’s bassinet. This mimics the sleep environment. It’s a great way to get out and have them take a cap nap. You can try this at the end of the day or early evening before bed. This will also help the baby get some Vitamin D and support their circadian rhythm.
- Open the windows and allow fresh air to circulate through the house (even during cold months). It will give the feeling of being outside, and listening to the breeze and birds chirping can bring harmony to the house. The cold can bring in a whole new fresh air feeling to the home and positive benefits for the newborn.
- Have coffee Zoom meetings with family and friends. If you do, try to schedule these while the baby is awake. This way, the baby can play independently. Yes, it is a good time to start independent play, even as a newborn. This will give them time to learn valuable self-play skills while you reset, relax, and stay in touch with loved ones.Many new parents underestimate how stimulating a quiet room with lights on is for their newborn. We must remember everything is stimulating for them, as it’s all new. By constantly being their entertainment, new parents are overstimulating their newborn and not allowing them to explore, get comfortable, and feel secure and safe in their new environment.Join virtual or in-person parenting groups. Not only can this provide much-needed adult interaction, but you can also gain new information from other parents about all things baby.
- It may seem complicated, but try to shower, wear fresh clothes, and get ready for the day, even if you stay home. This is a form of self-care and can do wonders for your mental health.Doing activities like this also helps you learn to manage your time with a newborn and navigate these everyday situations when you have the time.
- It’s important to remember that your relationship continues to grow and requires attention, even after becoming parents. I recommend setting aside time twice a week to connect with your partner. While one of you puts the baby to bed, the other can order takeout or prepare a simple meal. Then, you can use this quiet time to focus on each other. Especially now, it’s essential to prioritize your relationship. During these moments, try to avoid discussing the baby or negative topics. Instead, each partner can share three positive things during the conversation. This way, both of you will consciously notice each other’s actions, which will help both sides see how their partner is supporting and learning to navigate this new journey while also strengthening the relationship.
- If you have access to experts, utilize their help for errands or personal tasks. Having time without your baby can significantly improve your mental health.
- Speak with a certified lactation consultant before the baby arrives to prepare for establishing a milk supply and bonding with your baby. You will be more prepared and better equipped to handle the ups and downs of breastfeeding.
- Hiring professional experts to help you navigate this transition can really help you gain a solid foundation and ease the transition to parenthood.
At Gentle Giraffes Newborn Care, we offer in-person and virtual expert help. Send us a message at contact@gentlegiraffes.com and we will be glad to help.