Heather Smidt, LicAc, LMT

Meet Heather Smidt

Owner of Wander Well Acupuncture

We are so excited to interview Heather Smidt, LicAc, LMT, and Reiki Master Teacher!

Heather holds a Masters of Acupuncture in both Chinese and Japanese Style Acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture, the oldest and most regarded acupuncture program in the United States.

What do you do?

As someone who personally struggled with PCOS, endometriosis, and infertility, Heather strives to empower patients about their health and supports them on their family building journey and beyond. She understands the sense of being completely alone in the struggle, and understands the psychological toll that many experience. She has ridden that hormonal roller-coaster and knows just how irksome it is when someone tells you to “just relax”. She gets it. This is why she is more than just a medical professional; she is also your cheerleader, your guide, and your comrade when it comes to your fertility journey.

What are the top 3 reasons it is beneficial for newborns?

1. The heart of the mother is the body of the child and the body of the child is the heart of the mother. The health of a mother and her child are intertwined. We are our best when we are able to fill our cup first so that we can be there for our children.

2. One of my clinical rotations was at BMC in Pediatrics. During that time, I worked with newborn babies who had neonatal abstinence syndrome. The protocols that we used had universal application for calming newborns so that they were able to better eat, poop, and sleep.

3. When babies are constipated or gassy, it can be frustrating for parents. Acupuncture and acupressure gives parents another tool in their toolbox to help soothe their little ones.

What are the top reasons it is beneficial for parents?

1. It provides self care, support for nursing/ letdown of milk/supply issues

2. Empowerment by providing tools for care of self and littles

3. Helps support better menstrual cycles to better support conception and supports folks who are in treatment using ART by helping with medication side effects/guidance on supplements

4 .Labor preparation acupuncture is great for those who want to naturally support labor or help make induction smoother

Interested in working with Heather Smidt?!

Contact us: https://www.gentlegiraffes.com/contact

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