How To Acclimate Your Baby And Animal Together

How To Acclimate Your Baby And Animal Together

Today we are so excited to interview team member Michelle Stern. Michelle is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed, Certified Canine Behavior Counselor Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and S.T.A.R Puppy Evaluator.

Michelle is also the owner of Pooch Parenting!

What do you do?

“I provide parents with training, skills and strategies so their children and dogs can have a successful relationship.”

What are the top 3 reasons it is beneficial for parents?

“It will help parents to feel prepared, confident and safe. It will also help to alleviate the guilt they feel for the lack of attention their family dog (the first baby) will be getting for awhile.

Some pets may not be safe with kids, so there is fear involved too, as the stakes are so high for everyone.

The best way I would love to be of benefit to new parents is to share more about my online course called “Preparing Dog for New Baby.”

I have a stand alone version and a Premium version that includes two 30-minute consults with me. I also have a free Facebook Group

called Parenting Kids and Dogs (with lots of expecting families in there).

I also have my new work-baby, a membership called “Thriving Parents of Kids and Dogs” – it’s a program where I help people with mindset,

management, dog training skills, kid training skills and lots of other support. It’s one part support group and one part on-call dog trainer!

I plan to launch that in August.”

 Interested in working with Michelle?! Contact us at :

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