Recall on Millions of Infant Swings
After a 10-month-old baby died from asphyxiation in the MamaRoo straps, two of the last surviving go-to rockers, which move the baby in different patterns like gliding or figure eights to calm them, were recalled on Monday, Aug. 15. The problem is that the straps behind the seat that hang down put newborns at risk of being hooked, strangled, or hurt. A free strap fastener that will stop the straps from dangling down and creating a risk while the device isn’t in use is available as a repair for parents who have purchased this product.
Erin Carroll-Manning, a Newborn Care and Infant Sleep Specialist, and Founder of Gentle Giraffes Newborn Care and Family Services says, “My take on it, it’s a user error. People need to be more mindful of where their baby is crawling. People need to create yes spaces for their children if they choose to not stay with them at all times and see where their children are crawling and getting into.”
Baby rockers and swings should not be used unattended, and parents are advised to keep a watchful eye on their children as they use them.
Read the entire article here.